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Nanmen Road
Ritual music at Confucian Temple


26,Sep. 2015



台南市中西區南門路  /  孔廟園區內





紅白帳篷整齊排列在孔廟周邊, 孔廟這幾年樹齡高的木幹正被鋼架支撐著,操場也正在施工中 孩子與父母依舊把這邊當作是一個安全,溫和的休息場所。 儘管主持人在主奏者的詮釋非常熱情,還是抵不過整座園區 趨於完整的遺憾。


不過,雅樂讓整個精神扶搖直上,貫穿大成殿 以及周邊的城門,彷彿每一寸草地、樹木和人們,都可以透過 這個古老的曲調,連結孔子的溫儒時代,這是一個現代與過去 的傳遞媒介,曲調中含有無數意義的音符,而我們,也在這個 下午,讓音符帶我們認知,這傳承的意義與價值。













Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

Six o'clock in the morning, dawn bright, the road is the greatest sound bus, but the biggest

The volume of gas pressure only heard the door open gate. A small amount of a motorcycle and several more for newspaper delivery early commuters. You can feel the whole city is waking up.


Walk from the silence of the LIN's department walked through the Land Bank arcaded sidewalks CKS road, He

Then heard a huge level after another with birdsong suddenly away suddenly near the landing from above, this

Is the same multi-level, a huge scratch on top of birdsong resist landing, jagged sound

Sound constantly makes you want to lift the head; I saw many swallows nest gathered at the edge soaring ceilings,

Lot number, and the birds at this time has been mostly sober activities, so in this arcade under

Simply swallow the resonance box, very loud.


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